Prepare your bedroom

A: Gather what you need for the retreat program

  1. Using the shopping list gather all the ingredients you will need to prepare your breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next three days.
  2. Two yoga mats, 4 yoga blocks and 4 cushions for you both to practice the yoga and Yoga Nidra.

B: Prepare your actual bedroom

To get you in the mood we recommend the following:

 1.  Lighting

Adjust your lighting to warm red tones and candles (if you have fans/ high-rise open windows then you will need shielded candle holders/ or jam jars….)

 2.  Temperature

Neither too hot nor too cold – often a compromise between his and her choice…

 3.  Music

Gather a 3-hour music playlist of mellow, calming music to help you relax. Here are a few ideas that we use – but it is such a personal choice – listen first and see if any works for you:

a.  Piano and Sea by Jean-Francois Maljean

b.  Sacred Healing Touch by Sayama

c.  Shiatsu (Mind, Body, Soul Series) by Llewellyn

d.  Celestial Guardian by Philip Guardian

e.  Feather Light by Hilary Stagg

f.   Liquid Silk by Marina Raye

g.  Yoga by Lagoon West

Another alternative is to download the free Insight Timer App – which has some great calming music available – many tracks are around 20-30 mins long but with a bit of digging there are longer ones:

a.  Floating - by James Anthony Walker (60 mins)

b.  Deep Sleep – by Chris Collins (1 hr 9 mins)

c.  I see you Harp – by Pablo Arellano (47 mins)

d.  Waves of Peace – by Pablo Arellano (1 hour 5 mins)

And if you fancy an adventure – try the Maurice Ravel’s Bolero (25 minutes) – starts slow and builds to a climax…

 4.  Texture/ Touch

a.  Treat yourself to some new bedding/ pillows/ underwear…

5.  Massage Oil

a.  Choose an organic, natural oil – we recommend only putting on your skin oils that you would eat. Suggest you consider Sweet Almond Oil.

6.  Room Aromatherapy Diffuser

There are many aromatic oils, and personal preference needs to be the key guide here. Keep it low key, avoid blending more than three oils and choose from the following:

a.  Lavender – for calming and relaxing

b.  Geranium – for stimulus

c.  Peppermint – mood lifting and energising

d.  Ylang Ylang – aphrodisiac

e.  Sandalwood – aphrodisiac

7.  Toys

It never hurts to have something new to play with… its maybe time to return to the fun, spontaneous, adventurous side of sex.

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